Define Building and Physical Premises Safety. #5480

Define Building and Physical Premises Safety.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Define Building and Physical Premises Safety
  2. Identify safety considerations for building, physical premises, and transportation and plan for emergency response.
  3. Identify potential building and physical premises hazards and ways to protect from hazards.
  4. Define strategies for transportation and field trip safety.
  5. Identify regulations as it pertains to the physical plant, playground, and water safety guidelines.
  6. Define active play in the early childhood classroom and describe its benefits for young children.
  7. Define the similarities between major theories.
  8. Distinguish appropriate indoor safety concerns
  9. Identify resources addressing health, safety and nutrition topics (CPR, 911, CDC, WIC, Poison Control)
  10. List safety risks for infants and toddlers and strategies to diminish these risks.
  11. Identify factors that influence learning in a child's physical environment.
  12. Identify important safety procedures when transporting children
  13. Give examples of ways for families to be included and represented in the classroom, even when they are not physically present.
  14. Define healthy practices to mitigate the spread of germs and decrease the likelihood of SIDS in infants and toddlers.
  15. Demonstrate understand developmentally appropriate practices for school-age children with developmental, emotional, cognitive, language and/or physical needs
  16. Explain safety management and supervision practices of school-aged children.
  17. Define what transition times are and when they occur during the day in the classroom
  18. Teachers will demonstrate a variety of ways for families to be represented in their classrooms when they are not physically present.
  19. Explain safety guidelines involved when planning sensory activities for young children.
  20. Define culture and cultural sensitivity

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