Texas Director Credential Renewal - online

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Texas Director Credential Renewal - $75


26 Included resources
IACET accredit provider CEUs

1.5 CEUs


Designed for Administrators and Primary Caregivers of a licensed child-care home who hold a current Child-Care Center Director's Certificate issued by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. This course fulfills the training requirements to renew a Texas Director Credential.

How do I renew my Director Credential?

In order to renew your credential you must upload the following pre-requisite documentation to the ChildCareEd website:

  • Completed Renewal Application submitted at least 90 days prior to your current credential expiration date.
  • Copy of your current Child-Care Center Director's Certificate
  • Documentation that you have worked at least 4800 hours in a licensed child care facility performing administrative duties (letter on official letterhead from a supervisor will fulfill this requirement)
  • Copy of a current CPR & First Aid certification
  • Copy of the most recent licensing inspection for your child care facility.

(IF YOU DO NOT have any piece of the above required documentation you may still attend our course but, the state will have to give you a waiver for the parts you are missing to be a licensed director. Please submit your waiver in place of any missing documentation.)

In addition to this documentation, renewal requires the completion of ChildCareEd’s 15-hour Texas Director Credential Renewal training course. 

The Texas Director's Credential with ChildCareEd is an approved day-care administrator’s credential issued by a professional organization and approved by Licensing. Once completed, you will receive a certificate as proof you have completed the training program and is valid for two years.


B. Objectives / Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this training, the learner will be able to:
  1. Define and identify the components of developmentally appropriate practice
  2. Identify community organizations that have training programs available that focus on child abuse.
  3. Explain when to report child abuse
  4. Identify how administrators serve as mentor for childcare staff.
  5. Describe ways administrators can observe and assess staff.
  6. Define what it means for administrators to mentor staff in early education.
  7. Identify mentoring strategies administrators can use with staff
  8. Recognizing and preventing shaken baby syndrome
  9. Describe the primary learning centers and their components.
  10. Identify ways to interact respectfully and appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts
  11. Identify vehicle safety hazards that pose a major threat to children.
  12. Demonstrate an understanding of inclusionary practices.
  13. Demonstrate understanding of how to assess and meet the needs of children with special needs.
  14. Identify procedures that will promote a safe environment (indoor and outdoor).
  15. Demonstrate an understanding of individual planning.
  16. Identify appropriate practice for the identification, prevention, and treatment of communicable diseases in childcare.
  17. Describe the proper procedures of medication administration including: authorizations forms, documentation, storage, training, emergent issues, and resources.
  18. Give examples of ways to apply and model ethical behavior and professional integrity with staff and administrators.
  19. Identify strategies to make connections and interact substantively with those who are different from oneself
  20. Describe the components of emergency preparedness in the child care setting.
  21. Identify the signs of child abuse and neglect.
  22. Identify necessary information and format for a business plan
  23. Identify the nutritional needs of children aged four and above.
  24. Identify the importance of professional development for child care professionals and strategies to make meaningful choices.
  25. Identify strategies to assist children with food allergies/feeding concerns.
  26. Demonstrates understanding of the ADA and how it applies to childcare programs
Criteria to earn CEUs:
Certificates are awarded when the following criteria have been met by the learner:
  1. Class has been paid in full
  2. All material has been reviewed
  3. All review questions and final test have been completed with a passing score of 80% or higher.
Learning Assessment Method:
Learners will be assessed through questions after every section is completed. Learners will not be allowed to proceed to the next section of the training until all questions have been answered correctly. Learners will be presented with a final test composed of true/false and multiple choice questions. Upon successful completion of the training, learners will receive their certificate by email.
Learning Methodology:
Online material will be presented in the form of slides, accompanied with speech. Videos will be used to demonstrate ideas and concepts. Charts and tables will be used for illustration.
Logistics/Required Technology:
A stable internet connection is required for the completion of this course. Users are highly encouraged to take their online course on Google Chrome on either a laptop or desktop computer. Speakers and/or headphones are also required to hear speech.
Payment Policy:
Payments need to be made in full. No refunds will be issued after starting the class.
Proprietary or conflict of interest disclosure:
Unless otherwise stated in the course description none of H & H subject matter experts and editor has any conflict or proprietary interests related to the material they prepared in this course.
Support Services:
Please visit our contact us page
Please read carefully:

You are purchasing a session of an online training that includes online assessments. Your certificate will be emailed to you once you pass the final exam with a passing grade of 80%.

Your certificate will bear the name you provided to us when you signed up. For support and questions regarding the material presented in this class please contact us at [email protected]. Please consult our frequently asked questions page for other questions or feel free to contact us.

In order to renew your credential you must upload the following pre-requisite documentation to the ChildCareEd website:

  • Completed Renewal Application submitted at least 90 days prior to your current credential expiration date.
  • Copy of your current Child-Care Center Director's Certificate
  • Documentation that you have worked at least 4800 hours in a licensed child care facility performing administrative duties (letter on official letterhead from a supervisor will fulfill this requirement)
  • Copy of a current CPR & First Aid certification
  • Copy of the most recent licensing inspection for your child care facility.

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Information about this training

Hours breakdown

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