Describe and define various ways to prepare for earthquakes and floods. #4433

Describe and define various ways to prepare for earthquakes and floods.

Prepare for earthquakes and floods: learn different strategies and techniques to stay safe during natural disasters. Address challenging behaviors in the classroom: discover effective ways for teachers to manage and support children with difficult behaviors. Ideal for early childhood education and child care centers.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

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Proficiency Level
6 hours courses

Related Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of creating a successful block center by identifying the various types of blocks, describing an effective block center setup, and recognizing the various stages of block play.
  2. Describe the various ways teachers can address challenging behaviors in the classroom.
  3. Identify ways to extend cooking projects in various areas.
  4. Define active play in the early childhood classroom and describe its benefits for young children.
  5. Describe ways child care professionals can display leadership with families and the community.
  6. Describe ways to interact with parents that will create a positive experience for both the parents and their children.
  7. Describe the stages of grief and the different ways children react to grief and stress.
  8. Demonstrate ways to help prevent or prepare for emergencies and disasters
  9. Define resilience and identify ways it helps young children overcome toxic stressors.
  10. Describe various emergency situations and the proper procedures to address them.
  11. Define SMART goals and describe its historical context.
  12. Describe ways child care professionals can support advocacy issues.
  13. Demonstrate ways to help prevent or prepare for threats of bomb, shooters, or disgruntled/impaired persons.
  14. Define differentiated instruction in early childhood education and describe how it may look in the classroom.
  15. Identify ways to examine child behavior to prepare for guidance.
  16. Describe ways administrators can observe and assess staff.
  17. Describe ways that coaches and mentors can observe and assess coachees and mentees.
  18. Describe the various forms of bullying

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