Identify stages and milestones of development for ages 1 to 5 #5329

Identify stages and milestones of development for ages 1 to 5

Discover the stages and milestones of development for ages 1 to 5, with a focus on the crucial period from birth to age 2. Our page provides valuable insights into the key developmental markers during this early childhood phase, making it an essential resource for parents and child care centers alike.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

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IACET accredited logo 4.5 CEUs
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IACET accredited logo 4 CEUs
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IACET accredited logo 3.5 CEUs
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IACET accredited logo 2.4 CEUs
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IACET accredited logo 1 CEUs
8 hours courses
IACET accredited logo 0.8 CEUs
6 hours courses
5 hours courses
3 hours courses
IACET accredited logo 0.3 CEUs
2 hours courses

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify the stages and milestones of development from birth to age 2.
  2. Identify stages and milestones of physical and cognitive development ages 6-13.
  3. Identify the stages and milestones of development
  4. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify examples of appropriate activities for different ages
  5. Identify the basic musical milestones in children aged from birth to 5 years.
  6. Identify the components of: 1. Greeting and Departure 2. Feeding 3. Diapering and Toileting 4. Dressing 5. Sleeping
  7. Identify different types of play in children ages 2 to 5.
  8. Demonstrate an understanding of the cognitive and language stages of development in children five to twelve years of age
  9. Demonstrate an understanding of typical and atypical development from age 2 to 5.
  10. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify importance of individual planning
  11. Identify the challenges of developing an appropriate school-age environment.
  12. Define and identify the components of developmentally appropriate practice for children aged 2 to 5.
  13. Identify resources to help develop professional development planning in Georgia.
  14. List recommended feeding schedules and identify strategies for introducing new food for children birth through age three.
  15. Identify parenting styles and the influence those styles have on child development
  16. Identify the recommended feeding patterns of school-age children.
  17. Identify different types of barriers for mixed ages with disabilities and ways to adapt curriculum to fit their needs.
  18. Identify the nutritional needs of children aged four and above.
  19. Identify curriculums specific to children birth through age three

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