Identify the signs of abuse and neglect. #4828

Identify the signs of abuse and neglect.

Learn how to identify signs of abuse and neglect in early childhood education and child care centers. Discover different types of abuse and the corresponding signs to ensure the safety and well-being of children.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

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Proficiency Level
2 hours courses

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify types of abuse, by identifying signs of abuse and neglect
  2. Identify the signs of child abuse and neglect
  3. Identify the signs of child abuse and neglect.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the types of child abuse, and signs of abuse and neglect
  5. Identify the appropriate forms and procedures for reporting child abuse and neglect
  6. Identify signs of Physical Abuse in children
  7. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify examples of appropriate activities for different ages
  8. Identify types of abuse, by recognizing emotional abuse
  9. Identify types of abuse, by recognizing sexual abuse
  10. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify importance of individual planning
  11. Recognize neglect and emotional abuse in children
  12. Identify safe practices with infants including SIDS, Abusive Head Trauma, and SBS.
  13. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with cerebral palsy.
  14. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with developmental disabilities.
  15. Identify the signs of illness in children and describe when a child should be excluded from care
  16. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with depression.
  17. Identify strategies and practices for preventing shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma in the child care setting
  18. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with anxiety.
  19. Give examples on types of abuses and neglect.
  20. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with hearing loss.

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