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Demonstrate the importance of using various strategies to develop language and communication skills. #4621
Demonstrate the importance of using various strategies to develop language and communication skills.
Trainings incorporating this outcome
12 CEUs
4.5 CEUs
1 CEUs
0.5 CEUs
Related Outcomes
Describe and Demonstrate arts integration strategies to develop verbal and written language. Demonstrate and understand the importance of maintaining and developing professional and respectful relationships with parents, staff, community, and other stakeholders. Use developed methods to teach children a large body of general knowledge that supports emerging math skills Describe strategies to support school age childrens language and literacy skills. Demonstrate an understanding of prenatal development and its impact on child development. Describe strategies to support the development of mathematical skills in school age children. Demonstrate an understanding of how the child care professional supports the development of readiness skills Identify the importance of language and literacy development in early childhood. Recognize the importance of demonstrating respect for all diversity and providing activities that reflect a welcoming environment for all children, youth and families, regardless of culture, language, or religion, or strengths, talents, and abilities. Demonstrate understanding of using assessment and observations for short and long term goal development for ages birth to three. Demonstrate understanding of using assessment and observation for short and long term goal development for special needs Demonstrate how to develop strategies for involving parents in the child care setting Demonstrate understanding of developing strategies for involving parents in the child care setting. Demonstrate understanding of using assessment and observations for short and long term goal development for ages four and above. Identify the importance of professional development for child care professionals and strategies to make meaningful choices. Identify and use strategies for effective communication with community and colleagues. Recognize the importance of demonstrating respect for the diversity of all children and youth and families’ culture, language, and religion in all interactions (anti-bias and cultural responsiveness techniques). Demonstrate an understanding of how to use transitions for various age groups and for different parts of the school day. Identify strategies to facilitate learning in the early childhood classroom using various methods. Demonstrate an understanding of the cognitive and language stages of development in children five to twelve years of age
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