previous sessions of 45 Hour Infant and Toddler Methods and Materials

45 Hour Infant and Toddler Methods and Materials - $399 (V I P pricing $399)

Objectives / Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this training, the learner will be able to:
  1. Identify resources addressing health, safety and nutrition topics (CPR, 911, CDC, WIC, Poison Control)
  2. Identify strategies for providing appropriate care for infants and toddlers with chronic health issues
  3. Identify recommended medical and immunization schedules for children birth through age three
  4. Identify strategies for effective communication with families.
  5. Recognize the importance of the use of developmental screenings.
  6. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with hemophilia.
  7. Demonstrate understanding of inclusionary practices for hemophilia in the child care setting.
  8. Define culture and cultural competency
  9. Demonstrate understanding of using assessment and observations for short and long term goal development for ages birth to three.
  10. Describe the impact of culture on infant and toddler development
  11. Identify ways to interact respectfully and appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts
  12. Demonstrate an understanding of how environment and equipment modifications support individual needs.
  13. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with hearing loss.
  14. Demonstrate understanding of inclusionary practices for hearing loss in the childcare setting.
  15. Demonstrate an understanding of typical and atypical development from birth to age 2..
  16. Demonstrate an understanding of inclusionary practices.
  17. List resources and the referral process for infants and toddlers with a suspected/diagnosed disability.
  18. Demonstrate understanding of how to assess and meet the needs of children with special needs.
  19. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of culture and diversity in relation to school readiness.
  20. Identify appropriate practice for the identification, prevention, and treatment of communicable diseases in childcare.
  21. Demonstrate how to develop policies and procedures that promote good hygiene
  22. Demonstrate an understanding of how to implement an Individual Family Support Plan.
  23. Explain the importance of two-way communication.
  24. Demonstrate understanding of developing strategies for involving parents in the child care setting.
  25. Demonstrate understanding of the importance of parent/caregiver relationship
  26. Identify assessment tools.
  27. Demonstrate an understanding of the ADA.
  28. Recognize the importance of observing and gathering information related to children and youth's development.
  29. Define the term multiculturalism and how it relates to the child's environment.
  30. Identify ways to help parents and infants/toddlers handle separation and attachment.
  31. Recognize the importance of accurate and efficient documentation of observations and assessments.
  32. Identify strategies for integrating culture and diversity into an infant and toddler program
  33. Demonstrate an understanding of diverse perspectives, and navigate the ambiguity and complexity that comes with that.
  34. Describe the importance of responding sensitively to differences in individual communication styles.
  35. Identify the benefits of observation and assessment.
  36. Demonstrate an understanding of the information that should be communicated regularly with staff, parents, and the community

Previous sessions:

Information about this training

Hours breakdown

22.5 CD/15 CUR/3 HSN/1.5 SN/2 PRO/1 COM

Topics / Categories

Health, safety and nutrition
Special needs
Child development
Group Admin
Not Applicable

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