Recognize ways to incorporate learning activities in the classroom that would normalize breastfeeding. #4428

Recognize ways to incorporate learning activities in the classroom that would normalize breastfeeding.

Learn how to incorporate learning activities in the classroom to normalize breastfeeding and find additional resources for childcare programs. Explore ways to create a supportive environment for early childhood education and child care centers.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

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Proficiency Level
2 hours courses

Related Outcomes

  1. Recognize ways to incorporate learning activities in the classroom that would normalize breastfeeding and additional resources for a childcare program.
  2. List examples ways to incorporate inclusion and equity in the classroom
  3. Recognize theory and theorist in relation to child development and approaches to learning.
  4. Describe ways to analyze classrooms for an anti-bias approach.
  5. Define Cultural Activities in the Montessori early childhood classroom.
  6. Identify strategies to facilitate learning in the early childhood classroom using various methods.
  7. Illustrate ways to apply the essentials of using supportive social learning to handle behavior issues.
  8. Recognize the needs of individualized learning in family child care.
  9. Recognize the importance of maintaining a balance between teacher directed and child directed activities
  10. Recognize the benefits of an outdoor classroom.
  11. Define active play in the early childhood classroom and describe its benefits for young children.
  12. Identify ways to ensure active supervision in a Montessori environment.
  13. Participants will be able to recognize the benefits of an outdoor classroom.
  14. Identify activities that promote emergent learning and development.
  15. Demonstrate understanding of how learning occurs in children and the role of play in learning
  16. Produce activities to focus on play, exploration, and constructive approaches to learning math
  17. Teachers will demonstrate a variety of ways for families to be represented in their classrooms when they are not physically present.
  18. Recognize the needs of individualized learning in preschool.

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