Identify strategies for integrating culture and diversity into an infant and toddler program #3300

Identify strategies for integrating culture and diversity into an infant and toddler program

Discover effective strategies to integrate culture and diversity into your infant and toddler program. Enhance your child care environment by learning strategies that promote cultural diversity and acceptance. Explore how early childhood education and child care centers can create inclusive spaces for children from all backgrounds.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify strategies to increase scientific inquiry in the infant and toddler classroom
  2. Identify strategies to ensure appropriate infant and toddler supervision.
  3. Identify strategies to promote cultural diversity and acceptance in the child care environment.
  4. Identify types of abuse in infants and toddlers, how to report, and who are mandated reporters.
  5. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of culture on infant and toddler development
  6. Identify the components of a lesson plan for infants and toddlers.
  7. Identify materials and equipment for family childcare programs that meet the needs of specific age groups in both shared or permanent space and align with the programs curriculum
  8. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of culture on infant and toddler development.
  9. Identify materials and equipment for childcare programs that meet the needs of specific age groups in both shared or permanent space and align with the programs curriculum
  10. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify examples of appropriate activities for different ages
  11. Recognize the importance of demonstrating respect for the diversity of all children and youth and families’ culture, language, and religion in all interactions (anti-bias and cultural responsiveness techniques).
  12. Describe the impact of culture on infant and toddler development
  13. Identify types of abuse in infants and toddlers.
  14. Identify strategies to meet the needs of developing five-to-twelve-year old's in their program
  15. Identify indoor activities to plan for infants and toddlers during inclement weather.
  16. Select strategies to increase scientific inquiry in the infant and toddler classroom.

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