Identify the components of a lesson plan for infants and toddlers. #5289

Identify the components of a lesson plan for infants and toddlers.

Looking for information on creating lesson plans for infants and toddlers? Our page identifies the components of a lesson plan and provides appropriate practices for children. Perfect for early childhood educators and child care centers!

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify the components of a lesson plan using WIPPEA.
  2. Identify indoor activities to plan for infants and toddlers during inclement weather.
  3. Identify the components of a lesson plan for the family child care setting
  4. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify importance of individual planning
  5. Identify the components of a lesson plan for mixed age groups.
  6. Identify the components of a lesson plan for all abilities.
  7. Identify the components of a lesson plan for preschoolers.
  8. Identify strategies for integrating culture and diversity into an infant and toddler program
  9. Identify infant and toddler materials and equipment.
  10. Identify strategies to ensure appropriate infant and toddler supervision.
  11. Identify strategies to ensure appropriate infant and toddler supervision
  12. Identify strategies to increase scientific inquiry in the infant and toddler classroom
  13. Identify types of abuse in infants and toddlers, how to report, and who are mandated reporters.
  14. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify examples of appropriate activities for different ages
  15. Identify types of abuse in infants and toddlers.
  16. Identify and explain the major components of the major and current approaches to development and learning
  17. Describe the impact of culture on infant and toddler development
  18. Identify the components of: 1. Greeting and Departure 2. Feeding 3. Diapering and Toileting 4. Dressing 5. Sleeping
  19. List the most common reasons why infants and toddlers bite.

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