Identify vehicle safety hazards that pose a major threat to children. #3068

Identify vehicle safety hazards that pose a major threat to children.

Looking to ensure child safety in vehicles? Our page provides important information on identifying vehicle safety hazards and appropriate practices for children. Discover the significance of individual planning and learn how to protect your child from major threats today.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify examples of appropriate activities for different ages
  2. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify importance of individual planning
  3. Identify important safety procedures when transporting children
  4. Identify and explain the major components of the major and current approaches to development and learning
  5. Describe vehicle safety standards for school-age children
  6. Identify safety management and supervision practices of school-aged children.
  7. Identify potential building and physical premises hazards and ways to protect from hazards.
  8. Identify the differences in major theories.
  9. Identify recommended medical and immunization schedules for children birth through age three
  10. Identify the nutritional needs of children birth through age twelve
  11. Identify resources addressing health, safety and nutrition topics (CPR, 911, CDC, WIC, Poison Control)
  12. Identify adaptations to materials and equipment for children with diagnosed special needs or delay
  13. Identify the types of barriers children's with disabilities/special needs face and ways to adapt curriculum to fit those needs.
  14. Identify strategies in promoting sound health and safety principles for in child care.
  15. Distinguish how to adapt arts and crafts for younger children and children with different abilities.
  16. Identify the recommended feeding patterns of school-age children.
  17. Identify the differences in major theories
  18. Identify strategies for working with children with special needs.
  19. Identify causes of obesity in children.
  20. Identify the most common sources of stress for young children.

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