Demonstrates knowledge of how setting up the environment can impact on accessibility for all children #588

Demonstrates knowledge of how setting up the environment can impact on accessibility for all children

Learn how setting up the environment in early childhood education and child care centers can have a significant impact on accessibility for all children. Gain knowledge on how to create an inclusive environment that supports the needs of every child, promoting equal opportunities for learning and development.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of how setting up the environment can impact accessibility for all children.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of physical growth and development in school age children and the impact it has on programming.
  3. The participant will demonstrate knowledge and understanding the major milestones, typical behaviors and learning processes of children birth to 13 years of age
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of physical growth and development in school age children and the impact it has on programming
  5. Demonstrate understanding of children's general knowledge that supports emerging math skills
  6. Recognize the importance of demonstrating respect for all diversity and providing activities that reflect a welcoming environment for all children, youth and families, regardless of culture, language, or religion, or strengths, talents, and abilities.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of exclusion criteria in a child care setting.
  8. Demonstrate how environment and equipment modifications support individual needs for school-age children.
  9. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of culture on infant and toddler development
  10. Demonstrate methods to address gender stereotypes and sexism in the classroom related to children’s math abilities
  11. Demonstrate how theory is reflective in the child care environment
  12. Demonstrate how to develop strategies for involving parents in the child care setting
  13. Demonstrate understanding of how learning occurs in children and the role of play in learning
  14. Recognize the importance of providing activities that reflect a welcoming environment for all children, youth and families, regardless of culture, language, or religion, or strengths, talents, and abilities.
  15. Demonstrate understanding of the effects of media on the growth and development of young children.
  16. Demonstrate understand developmentally appropriate practices for school-age children with developmental, emotional, cognitive, language and/or physical needs
  17. Identify the signs of child abuse and neglect and demonstrate knowledge of appropriate reporting process.
  18. Explain the impact of stress on health and environment.
  19. Demonstrate how theory is reflective in the child care environment.
  20. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: components of a lesson plan

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