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Explains how materials and experiences support the developmental needs of young children. #5285
Explains how materials and experiences support the developmental needs of young children.
Trainings incorporating this outcome
12 CEUs
4.5 CEUs
0.5 CEUs
0.3 CEUs
Related Outcomes
Demonstrate understand developmentally appropriate practices for school-age children with developmental, emotional, cognitive, language and/or physical needs Describe how materials, equipment, environment, and staff meet the individual needs for children Explain additional provisions for children with special needs Explain appropriate techniques for supervising and guiding young children in childcare. Demonstrate an understanding of developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers with developmental, emotional, cognitive, language and/or physical needs Demonstrate understanding of how to assess and meet the needs of children with special needs. Explain safety guidelines involved when planning sensory activities for young children. Demonstrate how environment and equipment modifications support individual needs for school-age children. Explain the possible causes and results of traumatic brain injury in infants and young children. Demonstrate understanding of how to assess and meet the needs of children with special needs Demonstrate an understanding of developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers with developmental, emotional, cognitive, language and/or physical needs. Demonstrate understanding of developmentally appropriate practices for school-age children with various needs.
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