Resources - Reducing the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Infant and Toddler Weekly Lesson Plan Template
The Infant and Toddler Weekly Lesson Plan Template helps teachers plan engaging and age-appropriate ...
Infant and Toddler Weekly Menu Template
An Infant and Toddler weekly menu template is designed to provide a balanced and nutritious diet for ...
Seven Key Principles of Self-Regulation for young children
The first key principle of #self-regulation for young children is understanding and recognizing thei ...
Preparation of Breastmilk
The preparation of breastmilk involves ensuring proper hygiene and cleanliness. This includes washin ...
The Cerebral Palsy Toolkit
The Cerebral Palsy Toolkit is a comprehensive resource designed to provide information and support f ...
Preparation of Breastmilk Spanish
La preparaciĆ³n de la leche materna es un proceso importante para garantizar la seguridad y la calid ...
Father's Day Activities at the Park
This resource contains some fun activities families can do on Father's Day while at the park. Educat ...
10 Actions to Create a Culture of Safety
The 10 actions are science-informed injury prevention strategies used by ECE programs that prioritiz ...
10 Actions to Create a Culture of Safety. Mixed Ages. Safety.
Implement a comprehensive training program that educates employees of #all-ages on #safety procedure ...
Active Supervision on the Bus. Mixed Ages. Safety.
Active supervision on the bus is essential for ensuring the safety of all passengers, especially whe ...
Storage and Preparation of Breast Milk. Infant/Toddler. Health.
Breast milk should be stored in clean containers made of glass or BPA-free plastic. It can be kept i ...
Signs of Illness. Mixed Ages. Health.
One of the clear signs of #illness, regardless of age, is a sudden and drastic change in #behavior o ...
Signs of Abuse and Neglect. Mixed Ages. Safety.
Signs of #abuse and #neglect can vary depending on the ages of the individuals involved. In #childre ...
Summer Heat Safety. Mixed Ages. Safety.
One major mistake to avoid when going out in the #heat is not staying hydrated. It is crucial to dr ...
The Power of Pretend Play for young children
Pretend play is an integral part of a child's development as it enhances their cognitive, social and ...
Child Care Industry Trends During the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nationally, #child_care_employment as of November 2022 has not returned to pre-pandemic levels, with ...
The ABC Model for Identify Behavioral Patterns in Young Children
The ABC Model is a widely used tool for identifying #behavioral_patterns in young children. This mod ...
Building and Strengthening Skills and Competencies for Infant/ Toddler Care
Building and strengthening skills and competencies for #infant/toddler care is essential to provide ...
Supporting infant and toddler mental health
Supporting infant and #toddler mental health is crucial for their overall well-being and development ...
Child Care Centers and the ADA
Child Care Centers must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure that childre ...
Fragile X Syndrome Fact Sheet
Fragile X Syndrome Fact Sheet provides essential information about the genetic condition that affect ...
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Fact Sheet
SIDS is the unexpected death of an apparently healthy #infant under 1 year of age that remains unexp ...
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