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List resources and the referral process for infants and toddlers with a suspected/diagnosed disability. #5142
List resources and the referral process for infants and toddlers with a suspected/diagnosed disability.
Trainings incorporating this outcome
12 CEUs
4.5 CEUs
3 CEUs
3 CEUs
0.5 CEUs
Related Outcomes
List community resources, support, and referrals for developmental disabilities. List community resources, supports, and referrals for autism spectrum disorder. List the most common reasons why infants and toddlers bite. List community resources, supports, and referrals for fetal alcohol syndrome. List community resources, supports, and referrals for fragile x syndrome. List safety risks for infants and toddlers and strategies to diminish these risks. List community resources, supports, and referrals for ADHD. List community resources, supports, and referrals for conduct disorder. List community resources, supports, and referrals for cerebral palsy. List community resources, supports, and referrals for anxiety. List community resources, supports, and referrals for depression. List community resources, supports, and referrals for hemophilia. List community resources, supports, and referrals for children with hearing loss. Demonstrate an understanding of developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers with developmental, emotional, cognitive, language and/or physical needs. Identify types of abuse in infants and toddlers. Demonstrate understanding of appropriate interaction with infants and toddlers. Identify infant and toddler materials and equipment Define healthy practices to mitigate the spread of germs and decrease the likelihood of SIDS in infants and toddlers. Identify indoor activities to plan for infants and toddlers during inclement weather. Identify resources for referral and services for the school-age setting.
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