Demonstrate an understanding of developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers with need in one or more of the following areas: 1. Emotional 2. Cognitive 3. Language 4. Physical #1481

Demonstrate an understanding of developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers with need in one or more of the following areas: 1. Emotional 2. Cognitive 3. Language 4. Physical

Learn how to provide developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers with needs in emotional, cognitive, language, and physical areas. Our page offers insights and guidance on supporting their overall development. Ideal for early childhood education professionals and child care centers.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers with developmental, emotional, cognitive, language and/or physical needs.
  2. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Define Developmentally Appropriate Practice
  3. Demonstrate understanding of developmentally appropriate practices for school-age children with various needs.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of cognitive development as it relates to science in infants and toddlers.
  5. Demonstrate understanding of appropriate interaction with infants and toddlers.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of the physical, emotional, and motor development in children five to twelve years of age
  7. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of culture on infant and toddler development
  8. Demonstrate appropriate interaction with infants and toddlers
  9. Demonstrate an understanding of the cognitive and language stages of development in children five to twelve years of age
  10. Demonstrate an understanding of how to develop appropriate daily schedules that promote routines. (1 hr)
  11. Define and identify the components of developmentally appropriate practice for children aged 2 to 5.
  12. Demonstrate understanding of inclusionary practices for developmental disabilities in the childcare setting.
  13. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify examples of appropriate activities for different ages
  14. Demonstrate understanding of how to assess and meet the needs of children with special needs.
  15. Demonstrate understanding of how to assess and meet the needs of children with special needs

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