Identify components of professionalism in the workplace, including caregivers’ professional responsibilities to children, families, and coworkers #987

Identify components of professionalism in the workplace, including caregivers’ professional responsibilities to children, families, and coworkers

Learn about professionalism in the workplace, including caregivers’ responsibilities to children, families, and coworkers. Explore appropriate practices for creating and implementing lesson plans that foster children's development. Discover valuable insights in the domains of early childhood education and child care centers.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

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3 hours courses
IACET accredited logo 0.3 CEUs

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify the components of a safe and healthy family childcare environment for children
  2. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify importance of individual planning
  3. Identify the components of positive relationships with children, co-workers and families.
  4. Describe strategies and experiences to promote collaboration between child and youth care professionals and programs and other professionals involved in the care and education of all children and youth.
  5. Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development. Identify strategies for working with children with special needs
  6. Recognize the importance of a positive, responsible, sensitive, and respectful attitude in working with all children and youth and their families.
  7. Recognize the importance of demonstrating respect for the diversity of all children and youth and families’ culture, language, and religion in all interactions (anti-bias and cultural responsiveness techniques).
  8. Demonstrate understanding of the roles and responsibilities a child care administrator has to‐ staff, children, families, and community
  9. Define and identify the components of developmentally appropriate practice for children aged 2 to 5.
  10. The childcare professional will demonstrate an understanding of the value and importance of complex characteristics of children’s families and communities
  11. Identify the components of the CDA Home Visitor Professional Portfolio and strategies for completion.
  12. Identify the components of a lesson plan for the family child care setting

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