Resources - Developmental Screening in Early Childhood

Developmental Milestones Checklist for 2-Year-Olds
A Developmental Milestones Checklist for 2-year-olds typically includes key areas such as language, ...
Tips for Developmental Delay Concerns (Birth - 5 yrs)
When addressing developmental delay concerns in children aged birth to 5 years, early intervention i ...
Tips for Discussing Developmental Concerns
When discussing developmental concerns, it's essential to approach the conversation with empathy and ...
Family Guide to NYS Early Childhood Services - Prenatal through Age 5
The Family Guide to NYS Early Childhood Services is a comprehensive resource for parents and caregiv ...
Safe Sleep in Child Care poster
The Safe Sleep in Child Care poster provides essential information and guidelines to ensure the safe ...
Hazard Mapping for Early Care and Education Programs
Hazard mapping for early care and education programs is a proactive approach to identifying potentia ...
Staff/Child Ratio in Large Child Care. Admin.
The staff/child ratio in large #childcare facilities is a critical aspect that #administrators must ...
Summer Heat Safety. Mixed Ages. Safety.
One major mistake to avoid when going out in the #heat is not staying hydrated. It is crucial to dr ...
Active Play in Early education
Active play is essential in early education as it promotes physical, social, cognitive and #emotiona ...
Professional Development Experiences in Infant-Toddler Care
Professional #development experiences in infant- #toddler care play a crucial role in enhancing und ...
Supporting Family Economic Well-Being in Early Childhood Home Visiting
Supporting family economic well-being in #early-childhood home visiting programs is essential for e ...
Lesson Plan Template for Early Childhood Activities
A lesson plan template for early childhood activities is a valuable tool for educators to effective ...
The ABC Model for Identify Behavioral Patterns in Young Children
The ABC Model is a widely used tool for identifying #behavioral_patterns in young children. This mod ...
Practicing Self-Care and Professionalism for Early Childhood Educators
Practicing s#elf-care is essential for early childhood #educators to prevent #burnout and maintain m ...
Behavioral Milestones in 2-5 year olds
Between the ages of 2 and 5, children's behavioral milestones include developing greater independenc ...
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDDs) Fact Sheet
IDD is a term used to describe a group of conditions that affect a person's intellectual and develop ...
Early Learning Fact Sheet
The Early Learning Fact Sheet is a document that provides essential information about early childhoo ...
Individualized learning in childcare
Individualized learning in childcare involves tailoring educational activities to meet the unique ne ...
Developmental Milestones Map (2 months - 5 years)
The Developmental Milestones Map is a guide to help parents and caregivers monitor their child's dev ...
Developmental Milestones Screening Passport (Birth - 5 years)
The Developmental Milestones Screening Passport is a comprehensive tool designed to help parents tra ...
CDC Developmental Milestones Wall Posters (2 months - 5 years)
The CDC Developmental Milestones Wall Posters are designed to help parents, teachers, and healthcare ...
CDC Developmental Milestones Booklet (2 months - 5 years)
The CDC Developmental Milestones Booklet outlines important milestones that children typically achie ...
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