Listening is one of the most important communication skills. How well you listen has a major impact on your effectiveness and on the quality of your relationships. Active listening requires a few main components. When a listener is conscious of these components and makes an effort to incorporate ea... Listening and Communicating
National Pick Blueberries and Blueberry Muffin Day! Summer is here! This means that teachers like you are looking for summer-themed activities that are both fun and interesting for the children in your programs. We at H&H Child Care Training have you covered! Here are some classes you can tak... Blueberries Month
Curriculum is a comprehensive guide detailing the learning goals for children. Curriculum includes instructional units, lesson plans, the resources and materials that will be used, teaching strategies, activities, and assessments. Educators use a curriculum to guide their planning in order to meet ... Curriculum
You have completed 120 hours of training and built your portfolio, now it is time to submit your application and pay the assessment fee. Did you know that Hawaii providers can apply for a scholarship to cover the cost of the CDA assessment fee? The PATCH Scholarship program allows you to inc... Supporting Hawaii Providers: Scholarship Opportunity
National Kindergarten Day is April 21 Kindergarten is a mid-19th-century German word that means "children’s garden." German educator Friedrich Fröbel laid the foundation for modern education in 1837. He discovered that children learn through play and experience. To honor the importance o... National Kindergarten Day is April 21
In the vast world of online error, technical issues are bound to arise. No two systems are alike, and yet no system is considered to be 100% perfect all the time. So what happens when you do run into a technical issue? Contact Technical Services, of course! Our technical ... Running Into Technical Issues?
According to ScienceDaily[1], an online news site featuring breaking news in science, health, and the environment, a child will die of choking on food every five days in the United States. Without knowing first aid or CPR, it is difficult to help the child in a moment's notice, espec... Are You Ready?
One of the biggest trends in current K-12 education is the emphasis on early childhood learning; research has shown that children who start formal schooling earlier than Kindergarten perform better academically than their peers who don't. Preschool is rapidly becoming mandatory in many state... Myth: Preschool's Just About Playing with the Kids
FDA takes additional action to mitigate shortages of EpiPen by extending the expiration date for specific lots of medication (August 22, 2018) On August 21, 2018, the FDA announced to extend Epipen expiration dates for certain batches for an additional f... Medication Adminstration Training and EPI Pens Shortage Update
Childcare program administrators have the challenging job of ensuring that programs offer developmentally appropriate experiences for the children, are supportive of the needs of families, and operate with sound administrative and fiscal management. As an administrator in a childcare program, ... Child Day Care Director Credentialing Organization