Demonstrate an understanding of creating a successful block center by identifying the various types of blocks, describing an effective block center setup, and recognizing the various stages of block play. #5113

Demonstrate an understanding of creating a successful block center by identifying the various types of blocks, describing an effective block center setup, and recognizing the various stages of block play.

Learn how to create a successful block center in early childhood education and child care centers. Discover the various types of blocks, effective block center setups, and the different stages of block play. Find appropriate practices and activities for children of different ages.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate understanding how to effectively use transitions for various age groups and for different parts of the school day
  2. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify importance of individual planning
  3. Demonstrate understanding of developmentally appropriate practices for school-age children with various needs.
  4. Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how to create a natural outdoor environment that includes different colors, sounds, textures, and scents
  5. Demonstrate understanding of how to write effect SMART Goals.
  6. Identify the different types of portfolios used in child care programs, and the appropriate portfolio components for each type.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of how to use transitions for various age groups and for different parts of the school day.
  8. Identify and demonstrate an understanding of the content requirements for staff orientation.
  9. Demonstrate an understanding of the cognitive and language stages of development in children five to twelve years of age
  10. Demonstrate an understanding of the most effective way to listen to a child.
  11. Demonstrate understanding of effective listening skills in childcare.
  12. Identify different types of play.
  13. Demonstrate an understanding of classroom capacity, staff to student ratio, and regulations for outdoor play space
  14. Demonstrate understanding of how appropriate material and equipment promotes play
  15. Identify the role staff plays in the successful creation and maintenance of an environment
  16. Demonstrate an understanding of how appropriate material and equipment promotes play.
  17. Demonstrate an understanding of how to create a natural outdoor classroom that supports child development in all areas.
  18. Demonstrate understanding of how learning occurs in children and the role of play in learning
  19. Demonstrate understanding of the effects of media on the growth and development of young children.
  20. Identify the different learning concepts related to block play.

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