CDA Infants/Toddlers: Importance of Consistent Care - online

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CDA Infants/Toddlers: Importance of Consistent Care - $24


5 Included resources
IACET accredit provider CEUs

0.3 CEUs


When children feel safe and secure in their environment, they are better able to be themselves and learn. As early childhood educators, we must help create this safe and secure environment by our predictable routines and consistent care, as well as our interactions with the children. We created this course as part of the CDA: Supporting children’s social and emotional development, to help teachers create a safe and secure environment as well as reviewing different temperaments and addressing how to appropriately interact with each and every child.

Criteria to earn CEUs:
Certificates are awarded when the following criteria have been met by the learner:
  1. Class has been paid in full
  2. All material has been reviewed
  3. All review questions and final test have been completed with a passing score of 80% or higher.
Learning Assessment Method:
Learners will be assessed through questions after every section is completed. Learners will not be allowed to proceed to the next section of the training until all questions have been answered correctly. Learners will be presented with a final test composed of true/false and multiple choice questions. Upon successful completion of the training, learners will receive their certificate by email.
Learning Methodology:
Online material will be presented in the form of slides, accompanied with speech. Videos will be used to demonstrate ideas and concepts. Charts and tables will be used for illustration.
Logistics/Required Technology:
A stable internet connection is required for the completion of this course. Users are highly encouraged to take their online course on Google Chrome on either a laptop or desktop computer. Speakers and/or headphones are also required to hear speech.
Payment Policy:
Payments need to be made in full. No refunds will be issued after starting the class.
Proprietary or conflict of interest disclosure:
Unless otherwise stated in the course description none of H & H subject matter experts and editor has any conflict or proprietary interests related to the material they prepared in this course.
Support Services:
Please visit our contact us page
Please read carefully:

You are purchasing a session of an online training that includes online assessments. Your certificate will be emailed to you once you pass the final exam with a passing grade of 80%.

Your certificate will bear the name you provided to us when you signed up. For support and questions regarding the material presented in this class please contact us at [email protected]. Please consult our frequently asked questions page for other questions or feel free to contact us.

No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.

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Information about this training

Hours breakdown


Topics / Categories

Health, safety and nutrition
Group Admin
CDA Plus
Not Applicable
Infant/ Toddler

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