Access for All: Inclusion and the ADA - zoom/in-person

Included with Subscription

Access for All: Inclusion and the ADA - $25

There is an online alternative to this course. Access for All: Inclusion and the ADA



**This course does NOT fulfill the required ADA training for Maryland child care professionals. To meet the Maryland COMAR regulations, please register for the Including All Children and Americans with Disabilities Act Zoom course, offered monthly.

Creating an inclusive environment is necessary for providers who wish to deliver high-quality child care. In order to ensure they are in compliance with the ADA and the laws that apply to child care, providers must understand the concepts related to caring for children with disabilities and their legal obligations to make modifications and accommodations. In addition, to understand the ADA, providers need to know how the environment plays a crucial role in accessibility and inclusion for all children and how they can design the childcare space to include all children. When providers have explicit knowledge of the ADA and appropriate methods of inclusion, they are better capable of providing high-quality care for children of all abilities.

No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.

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