Approved by the Department of Health and Bureau of Day Care,H & Hteaches infant, child and adult CPR and First Aid Classes at it's centers in Maryland.We realize the need of developing a personalized CPR-First Aid program, especially so parents, child care providers, individuals and organizations ca... First Aid And CPR Classes At Our Locations
Non credit courses are designed to provide applicants with greater detailed information on current child care events and updated regulations. These courses are used as a learning tool teaching self help skills and awareness of what it takes to be a successful child care provider. The class includes ... Informative Non Credit Sessions
H&H Child Care Training is excited to share we now offer blended learning courses! You may ask, what is blended learning exactly? What does this mean for me? Blended learning means many different things to different people, but most simply it is the joining of online and face ... Blended Learning