Occasionally, inclement weather and other safety or health conditions require H&H Child Care Training Center t close, delay opening or dismiss early. H&H follows Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Inclement Weather/Emergency closing schedule. Closing and delay decisions involve careful ... H&H Inclement Weather Policy for 2021
9 Hour Communication - 9hrs $54/$52 (VIP) This course is designed for child care professionals as an introduction to the basic concepts of developing strong communication skills when working in a child care center. Topics include: speaking, writing, interpersonal communication strategies, and ... 9 Hour Communication Course
New ADA Requirements: Including All Children and the Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA)All family child care providers, including assistant teachers in large family homes, and all child care center directors, teachers and assistant teachers are required to take this class. Please visit our website to register for a class today! Most child care programs are required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, Title III).1 Being in compliance largely depends on making reasonable accommodations to meet the specific needs of parents and children with disabilities who seek your services. However, there is a lot that can be done ahead of time to move your program toward full compliance with the law. This checklist and guide have been developed with that in mind—what can you do now, before any specific parent or child with a disability presents him- or herself at your door, to better comply with the law? This resource focuses on four major areas in which accommodations may need to be made—admissions; general policies, practices, and procedures; communication methods; and physical accessibility (inside and outside the facility). For each area, the guide identifies areas for review and suggests ways to improve compliance. Although the focus is on ADA compliance, there is much more that can be done to welcome persons with disabilities. The resources section at the end of this document suggests further organizations and materials that can help you actively promote inclusion in your program. U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Disability Rights Section COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT CHILD CARE CENTERS AND THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITI What Child Care Providers Need to Know: Including All Children and the Americans Disability Act
February 2013 Effective immediately, H&H will not be able to refund any payments made for training sessions. If there is a true emergency and a student is not able to make the session they have registered for then as a one-time courtesy. H&H will give the student the option to a... H&H Refund Policy
The preschoolers in our classroom bring their questions, thoughts, and worries to class with them. To help the children cope with their feelings about sensitive issues—we call them tender topics—the teachers carefully choose books to read and discuss. You can do this ... Reading and Talking About Feelings With Preschoolers
COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT CHILD CARE PROGRAMS AND THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 1) Q: Does the Americans with Disabilities Act -- or "ADA" -- apply to child care centers? A: Yes. Privately-run child care centers -- like other public accommodations such as private schools, recrea... COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT CHILD CARE PROGRAMS AND THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT
2 Hour Core of Knowledge Continuing Education Training... 2 Hour Core of Knowledge Continuing Education Training
This seminar focus on Potty Training solutions, suggestions, techniques, ideas, questions and comments.Toilet Training Semiar topics Some of the topics covered in seminar are When to Begin Toilet Training Toilet Training: How to Coach Your Child Toilet Training Problems Getting Started with Potty Tr... Ideas And Suggestions For Parents And Providers In Potty Training
90 Hours Course: All students must have a minimum of a US High School Diploma or Equivalent1 year of experience in a licensed child care facility.Seminar Courses and Non-Credit classes: There is NO minimum requirement for the Non-Credit Sessions.CDA and Credentialing Sessions: Students must have a m... Pre-Requisites For Course Registration
Maryland Awarded $3.6 Million in Federal Grants to Strengthen School Safety U.S. Department of Education, Department of Justice Funds BALTIMORE (October 3, 2018) – The Maryland State Department of Education has been awarded $3.6 million in federal grants designed to further strengthe... MSDE to Strengthen School Safety