March 10 is National Pack Your Lunch Day! This is a great opportunity to talk with children about healthy food choices. Consider making lunch together as a class and allow the children to choose and prepare healthy food options. Healthy eating in a child’s early years can increase their cogn... March 10 is National Pack Your Lunch Day!
Culturally responsive teaching isn't just a buzzword - it's a necessary approach for creating an inclusive classroom environment. What exactly is culturally responsive teaching, and what are some practical ways to implement it? Let's take a closer look. Understanding Culturally Responsive Teaching.... Culturally Responsive Teaching
What is cultural competence? Respecting people of all cultural backgrounds and fostering an environment free of discrimination in society are both examples of cultural competence. Professionals' cultural competence includes cultural awareness, knowledge, skills, encounters, and motivation to mirro... What is cultural competence?
As part of the federal Child Care and Development Block Grant Fund stipulations, states must certify that there are health and safety standards in place and training requirements that are appropriate to the provider setting and the age of the children served. The Child Care and Development Fu... Federal Health and Safety requirements
ChildCareEd is authorized by the North Carolina Division of Child Development & Early Education to provide contact hour credits (CHCs) for approved courses. ChildCareEd currently has over 80 courses approved in North Carolina. Some of the newest courses to be approved are: Classroom Arrangem... Approved Contact Hours: NC
Effective Date: 02/2023 Processed Date: ________ ChildCareEd Release of Information Form Upon submission of a completed ChildCareEd Release of Information Form, from the applicant by signature only, records will be released and forwarded within a period of 7 to 14 business days, based on nee... ChildCareEd Release of Information Form
Caregivers should teach children appropriate school bus safety rules prior to putting children on a school bus. Practice these rules with children to ensure everyone knows and understands them. At the Bus Stop: Stand 6 feet (or three giant steps) away from the curb while waiting for the bu... Transportation Safety
Fun Straw Activities Cotton Balls + Straws = Race Pom Poms + Straws + Carboard Tubes & Tape = Obstacle Course Who would have thought about creating activities with these easy to acquire materials! Well these folks did... Have some giggles while watching these videos. They are contagious. &... Fun Straw Activities
Think Globally, Act Locally (National Day Calendar) In 2017, a group of teenage activists called the Coral Keepers established National Skip the Straw Day to recur every fourth Friday in February. Amid frequent and intense conversations about the state of the planet and the potentially fa... National Skip the Straw Day
National Random Acts of Kindness Day In keeping with the theme of social and emotional development, this Friday is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. National Day Calendar - Each year on February 17th, National Random Acts of Kindness Day grows in popularity. It is celebrate... National Random Acts of Kindness Day