Describe what and how to respond to the following emergency situations: loss of water, serious injury, loss/death of child, etc. #4291

Describe what and how to respond to the following emergency situations: loss of water, serious injury, loss/death of child, etc.

Central Objective: Learn how to respond to emergency situations such as loss of water, serious injuries, and the loss or death of a child. Supporting Elements: Gain knowledge of strategies to handle common child care situations like biting and hitting. Explore effective approaches in early childhood education and child care centers.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

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10 hours courses
6 hours courses

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify and understand the requirements of Child Care Subsidy (POC), Child and Adult Food Program, MSDE Child Care Credential, Tiered Reimbursement, and the Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund
  2. Demonstrate understanding of strategies in responding to typical child care situations: biting, hitting, etc
  3. Describe how to effectively respond to emergency situations
  4. Describe the difference between unintentional injuries and nonfatal injuries children can experience.
  5. Demonstrate understanding of strategies in responding to typical child care situations: Classroom Management
  6. Define what is an emergency and the legal requirements for emergency preparedness for child care professionals.
  7. Demonstrate understanding of the components of a plan to respond to emergency situations
  8. Describe the components of emergency preparedness in the child care setting.
  9. Describe the components of an emergency preparedness plan for child care facilities
  10. Give examples of strategies in responding to typical child care situations.
  11. Describe various emergency situations and the proper procedures to address them.
  12. Identify how to respond to accidents and emergencies in a family child care program.
  13. Describe the types of emergency response and situations that warrant each response.
  14. Identify the causes and locations of child injuries at childcare settings.
  15. Describe the proper procedures of medication administration including: authorizations forms, documentation, storage, training, emergent issues, and resources.
  16. Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development.
  17. Describe ways child care professionals can support advocacy issues.
  18. Describe the importance of monitoring the family child care environment for potential risks.
  19. Describe additional provisions to the emergency preparedness plan
  20. Describe Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and identify preventive measures.

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