Family Childcare: Curriculum #1372

Family Childcare: Curriculum

Discover an effective family childcare curriculum that promotes early childhood education and enhances the development of your child. Our page highlights the importance of understanding and implementing an appropriate curriculum in family childcare settings, ensuring a nurturing and educational environment for your little one.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate understanding of an appropriate family childcare curriculum
  2. Demonstrate understanding of developing positive relationships with childcare families
  3. The childcare professional will demonstrate an understanding of the value and importance of complex characteristics of children’s families and communities
  4. Identify materials and equipment for center childcare programs that meet the needs of specific age groups in both shared or permanent space and align with the programs curriculum
  5. Identify materials and equipment for childcare programs that meet the needs of specific age groups in both shared or permanent space and align with the programs curriculum
  6. Demonstrates understanding of an appropriate family child care curriculum
  7. Identify the components of a safe and healthy family childcare environment for children
  8. Identify information on State approved curriculums and the Maryland Preschool Curriculum
  9. Identify family childcare learning environments and discuss the pros and cons of each room and display
  10. Teachers will demonstrate a variety of ways for families to be represented in their classrooms when they are not physically present.
  11. Give examples of ways to apply and model ethical behavior and professional integrity with families.
  12. Describe the rights of children and families and their relation to home visiting.
  13. Recognize the importance of music in both child development and curriculum.
  14. Identify examples of how to share breastfeeding policies / breastfeeding support to families and staff

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