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Maryland Requirements for Becoming a Home Daycare Provider

Maryland Requirements for Becoming a Home Daycare Provider


  Are you considering a career in childcare? Thinking of opening your own home daycare? Before you become licensed, it is important to understand the Maryland Requirements for Becoming a Home Daycare Provider. ChildCareEd is your one-stop for all of your home daycare training requirements... Maryland Requirements for Becoming a Home Daycare Provider

We will come to you and train your staff!

We will come to you and train your staff!


Hey Maryland providers! Let ChildCareEd help you get ready for the school year! We will come to you and train your staff! Our team at ChildCareEd understands the importance of providing training courses that are both relevant and engaging for childcare providers in Maryland. We recognize that each ... We will come to you and train your staff!

Children with Special Needs

Children with Special Needs


Are you working with children with special needs? Need some ideas for accommodations or modifications? ChildCareEd offers several training courses to support educators working with children with #special_needs. Below are just a few courses available. Visit to see a full list of... Children with Special Needs

Tips for designing your early childhood classroom space

Tips for designing your early childhood classroom space


The #classroom is more than a location: an intentional arrangement reveals hidden messages about the learning environment and behavioral expectations. Understanding the role of the classroom environment in children's learning and how to create and maintain cozy environments will help educators suppo... Tips for designing your early childhood classroom space

Teaching science to young children

Teaching science to young children


Teaching science to young children can be a lot of fun, and it's a great way to help them develop their natural curiosity and love of learning. Start with simple concepts. Young children are still developing their understanding of the world, so it's important when incorporating scientific discovery... Teaching science to young children

Utilizando tu Certificación de 90 Horas para Completar tu CDA.

Utilizando tu Certificación de 90 Horas para Completar tu CDA.


Utilizando tu certificación de 90 horas para completar tu CDA. ¿Eres un proveedor de cuidado infantil en Maryland que tiene su certificación de 90 horas y te gustaría obtener tu certificación de CDA? ¡ChildCareEd está aquí para ayudarte! ¡... Utilizando tu Certificación de 90 Horas para Completar tu CDA.

Renovación de CDA gratis

Renovación de CDA gratis


¿Estás buscando renovar tu credencial CDA? ¿Qué tal hacerlo de forma gratuita? ChildCareEd puede ayudarte. ChildCareEd se enorgullece de asociarse con Maryland Family Network (MFN), el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Maryland (MSDE) y el Consejo CDA para o... Renovación de CDA gratis

Credencial de CDA gratuita que incluye 120 horas de entrenamiento.

Credencial de CDA gratuita que incluye 120 horas de entrenamiento.


¿Estás buscando convertirte en un proveedor de cuidado infantil calificado? ¿Qué tal hacerlo de forma gratuita? ChildCareEd ¡puede ayudarte! ChildCareEd se enorgullece de asociarse con Maryland Family Network (MFN), el Departamento de Educación del Estado ... Credencial de CDA gratuita que incluye 120 horas de entrenamiento.

Obtén tu acreditación CDA de forma GRATUITA

Obtén tu acreditación CDA de forma GRATUITA


  ¡Es hora de obtener tus credenciales CDA! Aprovecha el nuevo programa CDA ofrecido en colaboración con MFN y MSDE ChildCareEd se enorgullece de ser socio de Maryland Family Network (MFN) y el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Maryland (MSDE) en esta oportunidad de... Obtén tu acreditación CDA de forma GRATUITA

Renew CDA

Renew CDA


Why should I renew CDA Credentials? Many providers ask this question and ChildCareEd is here to answer! There are several important reasons the CDA Council requires all CDAs to renew their credentials. The field of early childhood education is continuously changing. Ongoing research and the devel... Renew CDA

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