Texas providers! Complete your 8 hours of pre-service training with ChildCareEd.
Caregivers in Texas are required to complete 24 clock hours of pre-service training. Eight clock hours of the required 24 must be completed before a caregiver is given responsibility for a group of children. The remaining 16 hours of pre-service training must be completed within 90 days of employment.
ChildCareEd's 8-Hour Texas Pre-service training is your easy solution to quickly getting into the classroom! This 8-hour course provides a brief overview of important topics in child care.
Topics covered in this training include:
Once you complete our 8-Hour course, come back to ChildCareEd and register for our 16-Hour Texas Pre-service course to complete your 24-clock-hour requirement. The 16-hour course includes a more in-depth look at all of the topics stated above plus information on safe sleep practices and preventing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). ChildCareEd has all of your training needs covered. Visit our website to see a full list of courses approved in Texas.