Solar Eclipse 2024 Fact Sheet


Solar Eclipse 2024 Fact Sheet

Type: PDF


Source: ChildCareEd

Description: The Solar Eclipse of 2024 is set to be one of the most anticipated celestial events in recent history. It will occur on April 8, 2024, and will be visible across a narrow path spanning from Mexico to Canada, passing through several major cities including Dallas, Indianapolis, Cleveland, and Buffalo. This total solar eclipse will last for approximately 4 minutes and 28 seconds at its longest point, making it one of the longest total solar eclipses in recent memory. During the eclipse, the moon will completely block out the #sun, creating a breathtaking spectacle as the sky darkens and the sun's corona becomes visible. It is important to note that viewing a solar eclipse directly without proper eye protection can cause severe eye damage or even blindness. To safely observe the eclipse, it is recommended to use certified solar viewing glasses or other approved solar filters. Additionally, it is advisable to plan ahead and find a suitable viewing location with clear skies and minimal light pollution for the best experience. #sun #4 #8 #3 #2

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PreschoolSchool Age

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