Recognize the importance of problem solving and conflict resolution strategies with community members and families #5528

Recognize the importance of problem solving and conflict resolution strategies with community members and families

Trainings incorporating this outcome

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120 hours courses
45 hours courses
IACET accredited logo 4.5 CEUs
IACET accredited logo 4.5 CEUs
IACET accredited logo 4.5 CEUs
IACET accredited logo 4.5 CEUs
IACET accredited logo 4.5 CEUs
32 hours courses
IACET accredited logo 3.2 CEUs
30 hours courses
IACET accredited logo 3 CEUs
IACET accredited logo 3 CEUs
18 hours courses
5 hours courses
3 hours courses

Related Outcomes

  1. Recognize the importance of problem solving and conflict resolution strategies with community members and families.
  2. Identify the importance of problem solving and conflict resolution strategies with colleagues and administrators.
  3. Identify the importance of problem-solving and conflict-resolution strategies with colleagues and administrators.
  4. Recognize the importance of a positive and respectful attitude in working with all children and their families.
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of the value and importance of complex characteristics of children’s families and communities
  6. Recognize strategies for effective conferences with families.
  7. Recognize the importance of providing activities that reflect a welcoming environment for all children, youth and families, regardless of culture, language, or religion, or strengths, talents, and abilities.
  8. Identify the important role parents and/or family members play in their child’s education.
  9. Teachers will identify the important role parents and/or family members play in their child's education.
  10. Recognize the importance of demonstrating respect for all diversity and providing activities that reflect a welcoming environment for all children, youth and families, regardless of culture, language, or religion, or strengths, talents, and abilities.
  11. Recognize the importance of maintaining confidentiality and privacy in communication with families.
  12. The childcare professional will demonstrate an understanding of the value and importance of complex characteristics of children’s families and communities

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