DFPS child care licensing Child Care Licensing (CCL) was originally part of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (#DFPS). However, on September 1, 2017, CCL became part of Texas Health and Human Services (HHS). This was done as part of a statewide reorganization of #childcar... Texas Child Care Training Requirements
In the state of Texas, the well-being and safety of children are of utmost importance. To ensure the quality of care provided in licensed child care facilities, the Texas Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has established stringent requirements for child care providers. These requirements... Meeting the Standards: Requirements for Child Care Providers in Texas
In the state of Texas, all licensed and registered child-care home providers must obtain 30 clock hours of training each year relevant to the age of the children for whom the home provides care. ChildCareEd has created the 30 Hour Texas Director Annual training. This co... Savings on Annual Requirements
ChildCareEd would like to offer you a free training course! We recognize that child care providers' time and money are valuable and often limited. This is why we are providing a free training earning 2 CEUs. Click here to create your account with us. All of ChildCareEd's courses are acce... Free Training and Texas approved courses!
In recognition of the crucial role early childhood education (ECE) plays in fostering the development of young minds, New Jersey offers a supportive environment for early childhood educators. As a dedicated ECE professional in the Garden State, you contribute significantly to nurturing... Your Future in Early Childhood Education: The New Jersey CDA and State-Approved Trainings
Michigan recognizes the critical role high-quality early childhood education (ECE) plays in fostering the development of young children. As an early childhood educator in Michigan, you contribute significantly to shaping young minds. Earning your Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential signifie... Future of the Young Child, Classroom, and Family
The Montessori educational method has been around for over 100 years! The focus of the Montessori method is the dynamic triad of child, teacher, and environment. One of the teacher’s roles is to guide the child through what Maria Montessori termed as the 'prepared environ... Professional Development for Montessori Educators and Quality Rated
Finding Child-Friendly Activities in PG County Maryland Prince George’s County Marland is full of #culture and #history. Bordering the eastern portion of Washington, D.C., PG is conveniently located near a number of #child-friendly sites. Patuxent Research Refuge Established to f... Finding Child-Friendly Activities in PG County Maryland
H&H Child Care Training Center is an internationally accredited organization that provides continuing education and CEU’s specialized in Early Childhood Education (ECE). H&H offers certification tracks for professional development including but not limited to: ... New Hampshire Required Trainings
Teaching numbers to #preschoolers can be a challenging task, but it doesn't have to be boring! In this article, we'll show you some exciting activities that will make counting fun and engaging for your little ones. With the right approach, you can nurture children's numeracy skills while keeping the... Counting Fun for Preschoolers: Engaging Activities to Teach and Explore Numbers