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Let them Play! Supporting children's natural development.

Let them Play! Supporting children's natural development.


You may have come across the image here comparing a preschool child’s hand (right) to a typical 7-year-old child’s hand (left). The reason this image is popping up all over social media is that it provides evidence of children’s physical development and supports the argument that e... Let them Play! Supporting children's natural development.

Become a Child Care Home Provider in Texas

Become a Child Care Home Provider in Texas


Providers in Texas are able to operate three types of in-home child care. Licensed Child-Care Home: Provides care and supervision to seven to 12 children 13 or younger (no more than 12 children can be in care at any time, including children related to the caregiver). Provides care at least two ... Become a Child Care Home Provider in Texas

What is the Business Perks/Group Admin?

What is the Business Perks/Group Admin?


Business Perks/Group Admin Feature at H&H Earlier this year, H&H Child Care Training introduced the Group Admin to directors, administrators, and owners of child care programs as a way of assigning courses to their staff. Since then, the Group Admin has undergone many changes. F... What is the Business Perks/Group Admin?

Road Mapping Preschool Curriculum

Road Mapping Preschool Curriculum


Most preschools have a set of goals and a philosophy that each teacher must follow. In some cases, teachers follow these general guidelines in a less formal way. In many cases, teachers use specific lesson plans and rubrics to measure how well students are doing. Curriculum for preschool consider... Road Mapping Preschool Curriculum

Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring

Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring


  Coaching is a useful tool for teachers who work with kids from birth to 12 years old. It helps them understand their students' strengths and weaknesses and come up with ways to help them succeed. Helping people improve their skills and knowledge is a form of mentoring called "coaching." F... Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring

Math and Science in Early Care

Math and Science in Early Care


Often times early childhood educators struggle to include math and science instruction in their daily lessons. This is especially true for those working with infants and toddlers. We know that it is important to expose children of all ages to various learning experiences including those related to m... Math and Science in Early Care

Looking for Professional Development Training Hours?

Looking for Professional Development Training Hours?


  Professional development for Early Childhood Educators helps teachers improve their knowledge, skills, and habits to improve the quality of the programs they offer to children and their families. It can also help create a culture where people and systems are always learning and growin... Looking for Professional Development Training Hours?

Home Day Care Business Planning

Home Day Care Business Planning


Home daycare centers provide an affordable alternative to traditional child care options. This guide will help you develop a business plan that will help you succeed in starting your own home daycare center. Create a Business Plan. The purpose of a business plan is to determine the target marketin... Home Day Care Business Planning

Why Children's Books Are Important for Children’s Learning

Why Children's Books Are Important for Children’s Learning


  Children's books are one of the best ways to teach children new things. Learn more about them by reading on! Books for children are an important part of learning when they are young. Children learn how to read, write, and think from them. Some of these books also have information that hel... Why Children's Books Are Important for Children’s Learning

Promoting Language Development

Promoting Language Development


Children learn language by listening to others talk and watching how people interact. They observe gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues and learn new words as they listen to the adults around speak. Promoting communication and language development in children is important for many... Promoting Language Development

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