Preventing Bullying and Its Health Risks 1. Be aware of bullying and its serious ill effects and explain them to your children.2. Share this information with other parents, friends, and neighbors.3. Be encouraged and supported to continue your efforts to nurture a home environment that prom... Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation
Math concepts and skills can be taught to children and practiced through games. Learning new skills can be fun through games. Kids are more likely to practice math if the games are fun for them. The Creature Spots game, which instructs coordinated correspondence and cardinality, requires the accomp... Teaching Math to Young Children
ChildCareEd is helping Administrators save time with our new Professional Development Plan feature. Owners, Operators, and Administrators who obtain a free Group Admin/ Business Perks account through ChildCareEd now have the ability to generate a Professional Development Plan for each employe... COMAR Regs/ Group Admin
Observation This is a 4-5-year-old preschool classroom during lunchtime. There are 20 children in the class and 3 teachers. The children sit at three tables. Their seats are assigned by the teachers and there is a mix of boys and girls at each table. Children ask their teachers for help opening som... Observations in Childcare
ADHD Case Study Fred is a student who exhibits the characteristics of ADHD. He is frequently inattentive. He submits incomplete worksheets, even though the answers he does complete are correct. He also talks out of turn, interrupts other students when they talk, and sometimes offers them rude comme... ADHD Case Study
All Aboard with MSCCA: Cruising Through Early Childhood! Don't miss the Maryland State Child Care Association's Conference by the Sea with a hybrid option setting sail May 4-7, 2023. Join ChildCareEd at the wonderful oceanfront Ocean City Fountainebleau Resort and Conference Center in Ocean City M... Join ChildCareEd at the Conference by the Sea!
March 30 is National Pencil day Pencils are an important tool in early education. Holding a pencil is a huge milestone in early development. Between 2 and 3, children should learn how to properly hold and control a pencil for writing. Getting children started in early writing is an emergent ... March 30 is National Pencil day
Spring STEM Activities for Everyone! Springtime is just around the corner. What a wonderful time to explore nature! Flowers are beginning to bloom and trees are starting to green. Springtime is great for learning about life cycles and planting flowers. Take a look at these spring STEM activities ... Spring STEM Activities
ChildCareEd has a Brand New Emergent Reading Class! ChildCareEd is now offering a NEW reading course in partnership with the organization Stop, Read, Go. The new class is called Classroom Tools for Emergent Literacy. Early childhood educators who incorporate effective literacy activities in ... NEW Emergent Reading Course at ChildCareEd!
Alabama Training Requirements Directors in Alabama need to have at least twenty (20) clock hours of training in administration and management and at least four (4) clock hours of training in quality child care and a CDA. ChildCareEd offers Child Care Administration a 30-clock hour training course ... Alabama Training Requirements